- GEO IAS Live Offline/Online classes available in both English and Hindi medium, ideal for UPSC IAS/IPS or State Civil Service preparation.
- Admissions Open with new batch starting every month.
- Course Duration: 24 months.
- Daily 2 classes: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM + Morning Classes on Current Affairs: 8:00 AM to 09:15 AM.
- Mode: Offline/Online (Live).
- Team: Led by Mr. Yogesh Sir, comprising a team of best teachers.
- Course Size: 600+ classes of 1200+ hours, covering the complete syllabus from the fundamental level.
- Course Validity: 24 Months, with recordings available till selections. Facility to watch each class any number of times.
- Payment Mode: One Time (Discount applicable), Instalment Facility, Loan Facility.
For additional information related to this course, call +9477560001.
Enroll Now Book Personalize Guidance SessionsKey Points of the Course
- Printed notes and books for each subject/module.
- 24 Mains Tests for answer writing practice (provided over the course duration).
- Current Affairs classes.
- Prelims Test Series.
- Daily and Monthly Current Affairs Magazines in pdf form and in app till selections.
- Mock Interview.
- Adequate facility for clarification of class-related doubts.
- Free E-Library Facility.
- Access to GEO IAS test series app with more than 15 lac MCQs in English and Hindi.
- Access to India’s only AI Based UPSC app.
- Personal Mentor till selections.
- Weekly Test.
- Subject Portability (Learn any one subject with two different teachers or in two different batches).
- Free Wifi Access.
- Special Discount for Classroom Course: A special concession of 20% in the fee for admission in General Studies Classroom Course at any of our branches for one time payment (conditions apply).

Year 1: Foundation and Core General Studies (Months 1-12)
Months 1-4: General Studies – I (Paper III – Mains)
Indian History:
- Prehistoric Age, Indus Civilization, Vedic Civilization
- Jainism, Buddhism, Rise of Magadh, Mauryan Empire
- Gupta Empire, Medieval India (Sultanate, Mughal Period), Bhakti Movement, Sufism
- Advent of Europeans, British supremacy, Land Revenue Systems
- Indian National Movement, Partition, Post-Independence Consolidation
Chhattisgarh History:
- Kalchuri Dynasty, Marathas in Chhattisgarh
- British period, Revolt of 1857, Tribal Movements, Formation of Chhattisgarh State
Months 5-8: General Studies – II (Paper IV – Mains)
General Science:
- Chemistry: Rate of Chemical Reactions, Metallurgy, Metals, Alloys, Nonmetals
- Physics: Light, Reflection, Image Formation, Electricity, Photoelectric Effect
- Biology: Transport in plants and animals, Photosynthesis, Respiration
- Reproduction and Heredity: Human Reproductive System, Asexual and Sexual Reproduction, Heredity and Evolution
Aptitude and Logical Reasoning (Mains):
- Basic Numeracy (LCM, HCF, Percentages)
- Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest
- Logical Reasoning: Coding-Decoding, Data Interpretation, Venn Diagrams
Months 9-12: General Studies – III (Paper V – Mains)
- Physical features of India and Chhattisgarh (Climate, Agriculture, River Systems)
- Industrial Regions, Resources (Minerals, Energy), Urbanization
- Indian Economic Structure: Poverty, Unemployment, Inflation, Budget
- Agriculture: Crop Science, Land Reforms, Green Revolution
- Role of IT in Economic Growth, E-governance, Applications of IT in Rural Areas
- Energy Resources: Renewable, Non-renewable, Nuclear Energy Development in India
Essay Writing:
- International and National Issues (Data-Driven Essays)
- Chhattisgarh-Specific Issues: Social, Economic, and Political Context
Year 2: Advanced General Studies, Ethics, Prelims, and Language (Months 13-24)
Months 13-16: General Studies – IV (Paper VI – Mains)
Ethics and Governance:
- Ethics in Public Administration: Integrity, Transparency, Accountability
- Emotional Intelligence, Ethical Dilemmas in Governance, Code of Conduct
- Public Service Ethics, Conflict of Interest, Citizen’s Charter
- Indian Philosophy: Buddhism, Jainism, Charvaka, Advaita Vedanta, Gandhian Thought
- Western Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Utilitarianism, Hume
Sociology and Social Issues:
- Social Structure of India and Chhattisgarh: Caste, Class, and Tribal Society
- Social Disorganization: Anomie, Alienation, Inequality, Poverty, Unemployment
Months 17-20: General Studies – V (Paper VII – Mains)
Development and Welfare Programs:
- Government Social and Legal Legislation, Human Rights, Welfare Schemes
- Educational Institutions (IITs, IIMs, AIIMS), and their Role in Human Development
International Relations:
- Role of International Organizations: UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, and other Global Bodies
- India’s Foreign Policy, Relations with Neighboring Countries
Sports and Culture:
- International and National Sports Events, Achievements in Sports
- Art, Literature, and Culture of India and Chhattisgarh
Months 21-22: CGPSC Prelims Syllabus (Paper I and II)
Paper-I: General Studies (Prelims)
- History of India and Indian National Movement
- Geography of India and the World (Physical, Social, Economic)
- Indian Polity and Governance (Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj)
- Economic and Social Development (Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion)
- Environmental Ecology, Climate Change, Biodiversity
- General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Basic Level)
- Chhattisgarh General Knowledge
Paper-II: Aptitude Test (Prelims)
- Comprehension, Interpersonal Skills, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
- Decision-Making and Problem-Solving
- Basic Numeracy (Numbers, Orders of Magnitude, Percentage, Ratio)
- Data Interpretation: Charts, Graphs, Tables
Months 23-24: Language, Mathematics, and Final Preparation
Paper-I: Language (Hindi and English)
- Hindi: Essay, Comprehension, Grammar (Tenses, Prepositions, Idioms), Précis Writing
- English: Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Rearrangement, Grammar (Active/Passive Voice), Comprehension
Mathematics and Logical Reasoning (Mains and Prelims)
- Arithmetic: LCM, HCF, Profit and Loss, Percentages, Averages, Ratios
- Logical Reasoning: Venn Diagrams, Coding-Decoding, Data Sufficiency, Puzzles
- Basic Probability, Time-Speed-Distance, Work and Time
Final Month: Mock Tests and Revision
- Mock Test Series:
- Full syllabus mock tests for Prelims and Mains
- Essay writing practice and structured answer writing
- Mock interviews to prepare for the Personality Test
This schedule ensures comprehensive coverage of the CGPSC syllabus over 24 months, with a strong focus on General Studies in the first year and Prelims along with Language, Mathematics, and Ethics in the second year.