Quiz Questions 31 January 2023 (Key)
Q1. Which of the following committees was not involved with any aspect of Princely States?
Butler Committee
Montford Reforms
Raleigh Commission
Cabinet Mission
C- Explanation:
According to the recommendations of Montford Reforms (1921), a Chamber of Princes (Narendra Mandal) was set up as a consultative and advisory body having no say in the internal affairs of individual states and having no powers to discuss matters concerning existing rights and freedoms.
For the purpose of the chamber the Indian states were divided into three categories
-Directly represented-109
-Represented through representatives-127
-Recognised as feudal holdings or jagirs.
The question of extent of sovereignty and paramountcy was still undefined. The Butler Committee (1927) was set up to examine the nature of relationship between the states and Government. After World War II began and a position of non-cooperation was adopted by the Congress, the British Government tried to break the deadlock through the Cripps Mission (1942), Wavell Plan (1945), Cabinet Mission (1946) and Attlee’s statement (February 1947).
Q2.With reference to India in the 18th century, what does ‘misls’ refer to?
Land grants given under Mansabdari system
Sikh confederacies
Tax imposed by Marathas on conquered territories
None of the above
B- Explanation:
The Sikhs in the 18th century were organised into 12 misls or confederacies, which operated in different parts of the province. These misls fully cooperated with one another. They were originally based on the principle of quality with all members having an equal voice in deciding the affairs of the misl and in electing its chief and other officers. However, gradually the democratic and plebeian character of the misls disappeared and powerful feudal chiefs and zamindars dominated them. Ranjit Singh, who rose to prominence at the end of the 18th century, was the chief of SukerchakiaMisl.
Q3. Consider the following statements with regard to Haider Ali:
1.He introduced the mughal administrative and revenue system.
2.He introduced new system of coinage and new scales of weights and measures in Mysore.
3.He established a modern arsenel in Dindigal with the help of french experts.
Which of the statement given above is/are correct?
1 only
1 and 3 only
2 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3
B – Explanation:
Statement 1 is correct as the mughal administrative & revenue system was introduced by Haider Ali.Statement 2 is incorrect because Haider ali is not responcible for these types of changes in the state of Mysore. These changes of introduction of new calender, new system of coinage & new scales of weight & measures are brought by TipuSultan.Statement 3 is correct: Haider Ali established a modern arsenel in Dindigal with help of french experts to prepare his army in modern way.Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Q4.Treaty of Salbai was signed between?
British and Nizam of Hyderabad
British and Marathas
British and Hyder Ali
British and Nawab of Awadh
B – Explanation:
Treaty of Salbai was signed in 1782 between British and Maratha after the first Anglo-Maratha war. Both side-maintained status quo.
Q5. With reference to history of India what do the terms ‘Chauth and Sardeshmukhi’ refer to?
Feudal titles given by Marathas to the nobles that made them eligible for fixed number of troops and salary.
Religious tax imposed by the Mughal emperor on the non-believers.
It was a tax imposed and collected by Marathas in lieu of promise of noninvasion to areas outside their control.
It was a land revenue tax imposed by Mughal emperor in the Deccan area.
C – Explanation:
Chauth and Sardeshmukhi were the taxes imposed by Marathas. It was popularized by Shivaji who called himself the Sardeshmukh.
Q6. Awadh would not have been annexed by the British in 1856 if the Nawab of Awadh had:
1.A natural heir to trespass the Doctrine of Lapse
2.Not refused to introduce reforms as suggested by the British
Which of the above is/are correct?
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
B – Explanation:
When Awadh was annexed, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was the ruler. Awadh was an allied province for the British, and the Nawab had a son named BirjisQadra. So, 1 would be wrong. Lord Dalhousie took the pretext of misrule to annex Awadh, by accusing him of refusing to introduce reforms as suggested by the British. When the Nawab failed to do so, Dalhousie annexed Awadh on the pretext of mis-governance.
Q7. Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched?
State in 18th century: State founder
1.Mysore: Hyderali
2.Bengal: Aliwardi Khan
3.Awadh: Sadat Khan
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1 and 3 only
1 and 2 only
3 only
1, 2 and 3
C – Explanation:
Pair 1 is incorrect – Hyderali is not the founder of Mysore state. He took the control of Mysore state from Wodeyars.Pair 2 is Incorrect – Murshid -Quli- Khan founded the state of Bengal.Pair 3 is correct – Sadat Khan also known by Burhan-Ul-Mulk founded state of Awadh.Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
Q8. Which of the following locations have astronomical observatories built by Raja Sawai Jai Singh?
Select the correct answer using code given below:
1 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3 only
2 and 4 only
1, 2, 3 and 4
B – Explanation:
Raja Sawai Jai Singh was a great Astrnomer& erected observatories with accurate & advanced instruments at Delhi, Jaipur Ujjain, Varanasi & Mathura.
Q9. Consider the following statements with regard to Tipu Sultan:
1.He planted “Tree of liberty” at Srirangpattanam.
2.He was a member of Jacobin Club of France.
3.He organised his army on European lines.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1 only
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3
D – Explanation:
Statement 1 is correct: Tipu Sultan has keen intrest in the french revolution & thus planted “Tree of liberty at Srirangpattanam.Statement 2 is correct: He was a member of Jacobin Club of France.Statement 3 is also correct: He tried to develop army of European manner. The infantry in army was armed with muskets and bayonets in the European fashion
Q10. In colonial India, which among the following were major centres of textile production?
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
2 and 4 only
1 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3 only
1, 2, 3 and 4
D – Explanation:
India’s cotton, silk and woolen products were sought after all over the world. Particularly, the muslin of Dacca, carpets of Lahore, shawls of Kashmir, and the embroidery works of Banaras were very famous.Apart from Dacca, which was highly famous for its muslins, the other important centres of textile production were Krishnanagar, Chanderi, Arni and Banaras. Dhotis and dupattas of Ahmedabad, Chikan of Lucknow, and silk borders of Nagpur had earned a worldwide fame.For their silk products some small towns of Bengal besides, Malda and Murshidabad were very famous. Similarly, Kashmir, Punjab and western Rajasthan were famous for their woolen garments.
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