What to read from Newspapers 14 December 2022
The Hindu
1) Chinese tried to change LAC status quo : page 1
2) Interim relief : page 6
3) A conservation bill that endangers forest rights : page 6
4) The rise of rural manufacturing: page 7
5) Only one- fourth of sanctioned solar projects have taken off : page 12
6) 150 years of Kolkata’s iconic tram to be celebrated: page 12
7) India may be first to hold satellite spectrum auction: page 14
The Indian Express
1) Chinese troops tried : page 3
2) cervical cancer vaccine to be rolled out : page 3
3) Tawang Challenge : page 10
4) connect the dots : page 10
5) The new money Challenge : page 10
6) The new LAC crisis : page 15
7) The fusion energy Breakthrough: page 15
8) Offences decriminalization , setting up tribunals likely on GST council table: page 17
9) Why the sudden slump in October industrial output: page 17
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