Quiz Questions 12 January 2023

Quiz Questions 12 January 2023

#1. Which of the following services generally use encryption to secure data transmission: 1)Payment gateways 2)Messaging services 3)Wireless microphones and Bluetooth devices

Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it. For example: word “ABC” can become “BCD” in encrypted form, if every letter is replaced by next alphabet. Those who know how it is encoded can only able to read “ABC” correctly. All messaging services like WhatsApp, Viber, Google Chat, Yahoo messenger use encrypted services. Banks (payment gateways) and e-commerce sites also use encryption to protect financial and private data including passwords. Encryption is also used to protect data in transit, for example data being transferred via networks (e.g. the Internet, e-commerce), mobile telephones, wireless microphones, wireless intercom systems, Bluetooth devices and bank automatic teller machines.

#2. Consider the following statements regarding Quasars: 1)Quasars are very luminous objects in faraway galaxies. 2)They are not found in galaxies that have supermassive blackholes.

An international team of astronomers have discovered the most distant ‘radio-loud’ quasar with the help of European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT).

It took 13 billion years for the quasar’s light to reach earth, according to a paper published in The Astrophysical Journal March 8, 2021.

Quasars are very luminous objects in faraway galaxies that emit jets at radio frequencies.

They are only found in galaxies that have supermassive blackholes which power these bright discs.

However, 90 per cent of them do not emit strong radio waves, making this newly-discovered one special.

Most active galaxies have a supermassive black hole at the centre which sucks in surrounding objects.

Quasars are formed by the energy emitted by materials spiralling around a blackhole right before being sucked into it.

#3. The commercial applications of nano-technology in agriculture sector include: 1)Delivery of pesticides and fertilizers 2)Monitoring soil conditions and plant growth 3)Detection of animal and plant pathogens 4)Deliver DNA to plants

#4. Consider the following statements regarding Mucormycosis: 1)Mucormycosis is a fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes. 2)Soil, plants, manure, and decaying fruits and vegetables are the common sources of infection. 3)It affects the sinuses, the brain and the lungs and can be life-threatening in diabetic and cancer patients.

Mucormycosis is a serious but rare fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes.

These molds live throughout the environment.

It is caused by exposure to mucor mould which is commonly found in soil, plants, manure, and decaying fruits and vegetables.

It affects the sinuses, the brain and the lungs and can be life-threatening in diabetic or severely immunocompromised individuals, such as cancer patients or people with HIV/AIDS.

#5. Which of the following is/are examples of natural nanomaterials, i.e. those which occur naturally in the world: 1)Haemoglobin in our blood 2)Particles in volcanic ash 3)Nano-structures that give colour to peacock’s feathers 4)Exhaust from fossil fuel burning engines

Natural nanomaterials, as the name suggests, are those that occur naturally in the world.

These include particles that make up volcanic ash, smoke, and even some molecules in our bodies, such as the hemoglobin in our blood.

The brilliant colors of a peacock’s feathers are the result of spacing between nanometer-scale structures on their surface.

Man-made nanomaterials are those that occur from objects or processes created by people.

Examples include exhaust from fossil fuel burning engines and some forms of pollution

#6. TrueNatmchines, recently seen in news can be used to test: 1)Covid-19 2)Tuberculosis 3)HIV

TrueNat This is a privately designed test that works on the same principle as RT-PCR, but with a smaller kit and with faster results.

TrueNat, designed by MolBio Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, Goa, is commonly used for tuberculosis and HIV testing.

The ICMR approved TrueNat for screening and confirmation for Covid-19.

#7. Winchcombe, recently seen in news is a:

A piece of the Winchcombe meteorite that touched down in the town of Winchcombe in Gloucestershire in the UK in February 2021.

Winchcombe is also significant because it is the meteorite to have fallen and recovered from the UK in about 30 years.

Further, this type of meteorite is known as a carbonaceous meteorite and out of about 65,000 known meteorite types, only about 1,000 are of this particular type.

#8. Consider the following statements regarding non-fungible token (NFT): 1)NFTs are unique digital assets with each token representing a unique value. 2)NFT is not interchangeable in nature. 3)NFTs include digital real estate, digital art and music.

NFT is a one-of-its-kind asset that is not interchangeable in nature.

It means that the NFT is not replaceable by another ‘identical’ item.

For example, if two individuals hold a bitcoin each, they can exchange their bitcoins, which are a replica of each other and have the same value.

However, NFTs are not interchangeable, as they are more like pieces of art where each and every token is unique in itself.

While bitcoins are also digital assets, NFTs are unique digital assets with each token representing a unique value.

NFTs have evolved to include digital real estate, video game items, digital art and music.

#9. Consider the following statements regarding Zeolites: 1)The Zeolites are naturally formed when the volcanic rocks react with alkaline ground water. 2)The naturally occurring zeolites are more pure compared to those produced industrially. 3)Zeolite is used in oxygen production plants.

Air India airlifted 35 tonnes of zeolite mineral used in oxygen production plants on two flights from Rome to Bengaluru.

Zeolite is used in oxygen production plants that are based on pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology.

Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents and catalysts.

Zeolites occur naturally but are also produced industrially on a large scale.

Natural zeolites form where volcanic rocks and ash layers react with alkaline groundwater.

Naturally occurring zeolites are rarely pure and are contaminated to varying degrees by other minerals, metals, quartz, or other zeolites.

For this reason, naturally occurring zeolites are excluded from many important commercial applications where uniformity and purity are essential.

#10. Iron Dome, recently seen in news is:

Iron Dome is a mobile all-weather air defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries.

The system is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells.




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