Quiz Questions 6 March 2023 (Key)

Quiz Questions 6 March 2023 (Key)


Q1. What is/are common to the two historical Kailashnath temples located at Kanchi and Ellora?

  1. Both belong to the Buddhist denomination
  2. Both were constructed in the same period

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2




Kanchipuram is known for Kailashnath temple, built by Pallava King NarasimhaVarman in 685 AD.

Ellora’s Kailsah temple was built by Rashtrakuta King Krishna in 773 AD.

Both temples were built for the God Siva.

Hence it belongs to Shaivite Sect.

Hence all the given statements are not correct.

Nothing is in common.


Q2. With reference to the ‘International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation’

(IPEEC), consider the following statements:

  1. IPEEC is an initiative of World Bank.
  2. IPEEC is managed by a secretariat hosted by the International Energy Agency
  3. India is a founding member of this organisation.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3



IPEEC was founded in 2009 by the G8 (Group of 8) to serve the world’s major economies.

It now includes 17 of the 20 members of the G20 (Group of 20), covering both developed and emerging Among its founding members are Brazil, Canada, China, European Commission, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Since its creation, Argentina, Australia and South Africa have also become members of IPEEC economies.

Hence statement 1 is incorrect and 3 is correct.

IPEEC provides information to decision-makers in major economies, facilitating candid

discussions for exchanging ideas and experiences and helping countries undertake joint

projects to develop and implement energy efficiency policies and measures at a global scale.

IPEEC is managed by a secretariat hosted by the International Energy Agency in

Paris, France. Hence statement 2 is correct.


Q3. Consider the following pairs:

Island – Type

  1. Barren Island – Volcanic island
  2. Willington Island – Continental Island.
  3. Agatti Island – Coral Island

Which of the following is/are correctly matched?

(a) 1 and 3 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3




Barren Island – Volcanic island

Willington Island – Artificial Island

Agatti Island – Coral Island

India, being a vast country is home to different types of Islands.

Barren Island, the only active volcano in India is situated in the Nicobar Islands.

Statement 1 is correct.

Willingdon Island is the largest artificial island in India, which forms part of the city of

Kochi, in the state of Kerala.

The island is home to the port of Kochi and also to the Kochi

Naval Base. Statement 2 is not correct.

The islands of the Arabian Sea include Lakshadweep and Minicoy. The entire island

group is built of coral deposits. Statement 3 is correct.


Q4. Consider the following statements:

  1. The Carlyle Circular asked government-funded schools and colleges to prohibit

students from participating in the protest against the Jallianwalabagh massacre.

  1. Anti-Circular Society was established mainly against the Carlyle Circular.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2



The Carlyle Circular asked government-funded schools and colleges toprohibit students from participating in the protest against the PARTITION of Bengal.

Hence statement 1 is incorrect.

Anti-Circular Society was established mainly against the Carlyle Circular in 1905 bySachindra Prasad Bose.

Hence statement 2 is correct.


Q5. India has recently signed an agreement with which of the following country todevelop a naval port known as ‘UhturuThilaFalhu’ Port which will facilitate regional Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR)?

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) Madagascar

(c) Seychelles

(d) Maldives



Recently, India and the Maldives have signed a defence Line of Creditagreement worth USD 50 million.The agreement was signed during the visit by theExternal Affairs Minister of India to Maldives.

Assistance to Build Dockyards:

A dockyard will be developed at the UthuruThilaFalhu (UTF) Naval Base withIndian assistance, a few miles northwest of Male, which will strengthen theMaldivian defence capabilities.

The agreement is part of the defence actionplan signed in 2016 by then Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen AbdulGayoom during a visit to India.

Indicating deepening security cooperation, an agreement to develop, supportand maintain a Maldives National Defence Force Coast Guard Harbour atSifavaru was also signed.

India will also support development of other infrastructure needed for the harbour,support the development of communications resources and radar services, andprovide training.


Q6. With reference to ‘Silver Antimony Telluride’, consider the following statements:

  1. Silver antimony telluride is a good conductor of heat but bad conductor of electricity.
  2. Utilising Silver Antimony Telluride, a mobile phone can be charged using the heat from the laptop.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2




Scientists in Bengaluru have found a new material, Silver AntimonyTelluride (AgSbTe2), that can help in tapping waste heat produced by all kinds ofdomestic and industrial appliances, and use it to accomplish other useful work.

Basically, the material will exploit the benefits of thermo-electric effect.

The thermo-electric effect involves the process by which heat is transformed to electrical energy.

It is a nanomaterial compound synthesised from Silver, Antimony and Tellurium.

Acrystalline solid, it has free electrons that help in conduction of electricity but itslattices (arrangement of atoms) are rather inflexible, and vibrate quite slowly therebyinhibiting the propagation of heat. Thus, it is a good conductor of electricity but a badconductor of heat, a property important for Thermo-electric effect.

Hence statement 1is incorrect.

There are a variety of potential applications.

Industrial processes and power plants,along with all kinds of domestic appliances, produce ample amounts of waste heat thatcan be utilised to do significant amounts of work.

The heat from the laptop, for example, can be used to charge a mobile phone. Or, thatfrom the phone can be used to charge a small watch.


Q7. Which of the following is/are correct about ‘Caracal’, a breed found in India?

  1. It is a nocturnal wild cat found in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
  2. It is protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  3. It is recently included into the Recovery Programme for Critically Endangered


  1. It is listed as critically endangered in the IUCN pages.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) 3 and 4 only



Caracal: It is a medium-sized wild cat native to Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and India. It is characterised by a robust build, long legs, a short face, longtufted ears, and long canine teeth.

Characteristics: Typically nocturnal, the caracal is highly secretive and difficult toobserve.

It is territorial and lives mainly alone or in pairs.

The caracal is acarnivore that typically preys upon small mammals, birds, and rodents.

India: In India, the Caracal can be found in some parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat.

IUCN Status: Least Concern mainly due to their large numbers in Africa.

Listed under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972.

Recently included in the Recovery Programme for Critically Endangered Speciesprogramme which is one of the three components of the IntegratedDevelopment of Wildlife Habitats(IDWH).


Q8. Who of the following started the Journal ‘Dawn’, an organ of Indian nationalism and

subsequently established the Dawn Society which played a crucial role in the\

national educational movement?

(a)Ashwini Kumar Dutt


(c) Satish Chandra Mukherjee

(d)Surendranath Banerjee




Founder-editor of the Dawn magazine (1897–1913), an organ of IndianNationalism, in 1902 Satish Chandra Mukherjee organised the “Dawn Society” ofculture, to protest against the Report of the Indian Universities Commission,representing the inadequate university education imposed by the Government tofabricate clerks for the merchant offices.

He said, “The cry for thorough overhauling ofthe whole system of University education was in the air.” In 1889, he formulated thescheme for national education.

Hence option C is the correct answer.


Q9. With reference to ‘Gene Expression’, often seen in the news, consider the following statements:

  1. Gene expression is the process in which DNA directs the synthesis of functional

products, such as proteins.

  1. Exposure to alcohol affects the pattern of gene expression.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2





Gene expression is a fundamental life process providing a bridge betweeninformation encoded within a gene and a final functional gene product, such as a proteinor non-coding RNA.

Gene expression is the process in which DNA directs the synthesis of functionalproducts, such as proteins.

Cells can regulate gene expression at various stages.

It allowsorganisms to generate different cell types and enables cells to adapt to internal andexternal factors.

Although we inherit genes from our parents, their expression is regulated in a uniquemanner in each person, and may be influenced by lifestyle.

Exposure to alcohol affectsthe pattern of gene expression, and may explain some systemic complications.”

Alcohol(ethanol) is rapidly metabolised in the body, and its two carbon atoms (CH3CH2 or ethyl)are converted into single atoms (CH3 or methyl), that can react with many other

chemicals, including DNA.

This change (methylation) can modify the expression of manygenes, or even have toxic consequences.


Q10. Consider the following statements:

  1. The Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India is appointed by the President of

India on the recommendations of the Appointments committee of the Cabinet.

  1. The Cabinet Secretary has a fixed tenure of two years, which cannot be extended.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2




The Cabinet Secretary is under the direct charge of the prime minister.

TheCabinet Secretary to the Government of India is appointed on the recommendations ofthe Appointments committee of the Cabinet.

Not appointed by the President of India.

A cabinet secretary is appointed for a fixed tenure of two years.

According to All India Services (Death-Cum-Retirement-Benefits) Rules, 1958, thegovernment can give extension in service to a cabinet secretary provided the total tenure does not exceed four years.

As per the modified rules, the central government may give an extension inservice for a further period not exceeding three months, beyond the period offour years to a cabinet secretary

The administrative head of the secretariat is the cabinet secretary who is also theex-officio chairman of the civil services board.

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