What to read from Newspapers 3 January 2023

What to read from Newspapers 3 January 2023

The Hindu Articles

Front Page

SC majority ruling finds no flaw in 2016 demonetisation process

‘RBI had seen note ban as an opportunity


IMF MD Georgieva warns that global economy faces tougher year in 2023

RBI keeps SBI, ICICI, HDFC as ‘systemically important


China’s air incursions into Taiwan doubled


Online games must register with self-regulatory body, say draft rules

ST Commission holds its ground on impact of new rules on Forest Rights Act

Need more scope for research on modern Indian history: Modi

RBI saw note ban as chance for financial inclusion: top court

Exploding number’ of Indian illegal immigrants came to Austria: Minister

Manufacturing ends 2022 on a high note

Jains fear that a sacred hill will be defiled by tourism plans

Text & context

Weighing out the gains and losses of demonetisation

A new coronavirus variant on the block

What is the new delimitation exercise by Assam?


India’s toy story is still in the making


When degrees lose their worth

The case against state control of Hindu temples

GST buoyancy

Over the borderline

#The_Hindu #Daily #GeoIAS

The Indian Express Articles

Front Page

Demonetisation decision gets Supreme Court seal of approval

Govt should have brought law, RBI didnt apply its mind : Dissenting judge

SC underlined : Govt RBI not in isolated boxes

Online gaming draft rules : No betting self regulatory body

Govt & Politics

Need to widen scope of research on modern Indian History says PM


What was RBI board doing

Note in Noteban

Ideas Page

Demonetisation arose from Centre it should have enacted a law

Beijing & Prachanda


Two views on six issues

For first time in many years, no rhinos poached in Assam in 2022


63 Russian soldiers killed in Ukrainian attack on Donetsk


States may push for debate on central schemes, cesses

RBI was never in the loop about demonetisation

India Dec’s manufacturing PMI rises to 26 month high Govt proposes to ban online betting ads on social media platforms

#The_Indian_Express #Daily #GeoIAS

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